Consulting Services

Initial Consultation

An Initial Consultation helps you save valuable consultation time in the future, by evaluating your needs and spending targeted time towards the highest priority. This can also help you understand if you have gaps in your cyber infrastructure.

CMMC Consultation

As the CMMC Certification dead line draws near, are you prepared for the auditors to come in and certify your company? We can help you be better prepared, or answer any questions you have! Cyber Bearing can help by leading the project to bring the systems up to the CMMC certification level, or provide assistance on a specific task.

NIST Consultation

Most companies must meet some level of NIST, but even with knowledgeable cyber personnel, such requirements may appear out of reach, or may take a long time to implement. Cyber bearing is here to help! We can accelerate the process by leading the project to secure your systems, or help you with individual specific tasks.


Other Cyber Regulatory Requirements

Cyber Bearing can help you meet other cyber regulatory requirements, from PCI-DSS to CIS Controls or other requirements. Schedule an initial consultation to discuss your needs. Cyber Bearing can help by leading the project to bring the systems up to the security requirements, or provide assistance on a specific task.

Other Cybersecurity Consultation

Cyber Bearing can help you with any other cyber questions or concerns. We can conduct Gap Analysis, help implement controls, review systems for weaknesses, and help you with any other needs. Schedule an initial consultation to discuss your specific needs.

Interested in consultation services? We are available to consult! Schedule a virtual Microsoft Teams meeting with us.